Friday, January 10, 2014

Potential new mummy friend...

... With the lady who moved into number 12 a couple of months ago.  She seems nice although I felt a bit overwhelmed with so many kids running around but they played well together for the most part. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It comes in the silence of the night.

A gallstone attack snuck up on me after eating junk food (mcdonalds) for dinner last night, thankfully by the time the kids woke up this morning pain had subsided and vomiting ceased but I was left drained and completely exhausted. Enter my knight in shining armor (otherwise known as the boyfriend Owen) who picked up the things I needed at the shops, arrived at my house and promptly sent me back to bed for the morning while he looked after my kids 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Not a thing to do but talk to you...

You know that you really enjoy some bodies company when a lunch play date becomes afternoon tea, becomes dinner and then you look at the clock and realise that the kids should have been in bed over two hours ago. It's days like these that mean the most to me, the time spent really connecting with the people I love and enjoying their company with out being drained and exhausted by being in a large group of people. 

Teething again.

My daughter doesn't do things in halves, she has cut four teeth in one day. 

Episode 3

Another day, another Star Wars movie... Why didn't I watch these much earlier?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

31 years to get here.

I am at last sitting down and watching Star Wars, every boyfriend I've ever had has tried to get me to watch and it's Owen that succeeded. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

They say home is where the heart is.

I'm feeling very hermit like at the moment, I'm happy for those I'm close too to come and visit me but I seem to be doing what ever I can to avoid having to leave home and go anywhere. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

That old chestnut - Vaccination debate

It seems that the ability to think rationally, acquire information and come to a logical conclusion in some people in sorely lacking. The ironic thing is I am sure they would say exactly the same thing about me deciding to vaccinate. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Winning is when...

You get your one year old and four year old to take a nap at the same time and they both sleep for two hours. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Perfect start to a new year

Lovely waking up beside Owen for the first time and then sharing the first day of 2014 with him and my two closest friends.

My daughter about to have her first meal of 2014.